
Download various useful things that I have created

Max Objects

tcpClient: A Max object written in java to communicate over a single persistent TCP/IP socket with a TCP/IP server.

atp.abstractions: A large and growing repository of Max 5/6 abstractions, javascripts, shaders, etc I’ve made and found useful over the years.

Audio Software

Massachusetts Geophonic is a performative interactive piece that uses data from the USGS Massachusetts geological map as a palette with which the performer can create music – music from geologic data.

Maestro Frankenstein: An Application for the Creation of Geophonic Music using numerical data.

Have you ever wondered what climate cycles of the last million years SOUND like? What would happen if you turned tide level data into sound waves? If geological cycles could make music - what would the melody be? The harmony?...

FrogMeter: Simple 8-channel input meter with clip and headroom indication - made to be seen from across the room.

Squid Delays: A pair of simple, utilitarian delay plugins for use in Cycling '74's Pluggo environment - compatible with AudioUnit, VST and RTAS hosts.

Video Software

Animator: Easily create stop-motion animations on Mac or Windows.

Lossless Frame Rate Converter: Change the frame rate/duration of a quicktime movie losslessly without using extra disk space or modifying the original.

Ancient History:

Ear Training

Intervals: An easy but sophisticated and flexible way to practice ear training for improved aural skills.


Various Applescripts: Autostart Jack, Napplescripts, etc.


Plogue Bidule Groups: Squidscratcher, Livesquid, etc.