Lossless Frame Rate Converter
Change the frame rate/duration of quicktime movies losslessly without using extra disk space or modifying the original. Saves reference or self contained movies.
This software changes the header information of a quicktime movie so that it will play at a different speed and fps. The result is saved as a reference movie (so no quality is lost and no disk space is taken up) or as a separate self-contained movie file, and the original movie file is not in any way altered. The caveat for reference movies is that the reference movie needs to have the original around to read data from, and they do not play well with Quicktime Player X and other AVFoundation-based mac software.
NOTE: This software is based on deprecated legacy Quicktime frameworks and may not have a very long life into the future on modern operating systems. In addition, it may not work properly for all types of Quicktime movies. Also note that if you already have Final Cut Pro X, you probably do not need this software. You can accomplish the same thing in its timeline with a few clicks.
Standalone Mac Application (22 MB)
Max Patch version (10 KB) - for Mac or Windows users of Cycling'74 Max. Note: you can use Max for free as long as you don't need to save any changes to the code.
Standalone Mac Application (16 MB)
Max Patch version (10 KB) - for Mac or Windows users of Cycling'74 Max. Note: you can use Max for free as long as you don't need to save any changes to the code. However, this version of the software was made in the older Max 6, so you may want to download the Max 6 Runtime instead to use it.
Download older Versions
Standalone app should run on MacOS X 10.7 or later (version 2 will run on 10.5 or later, version 1 may work on OS X 10.4). Max patch version can be used on Windows or Mac with Max from Cycling '74. You can run patches in Max for free without registering, you just can't save changes to the code.
Windows users will also need to install Legacy Quicktime. Just be careful though, because there are known security vulnerabilities in Quicktime for Windows, and it has never been updated to 64-bit.
developed by Arvid Tomayko
No warranty, no gurantees, etc. Drop me a line by email if you think this software is cool or useful.