A Sonic Architectural Reimagining of Provincetown
Herring Cove Beach Bathhouse, Provincetown, MA
This video is the 2nd performance of the evening. You can also watch the first performance. The audio and video recording are not quite as good, but it includes an explanation of how the interactive video projection works. If you want, you can jump directly to the explanation at the end of the video pf the 1st performance.
Arvid Tomayko-Peters - TOOB, interactive video projection Steve Schwartz - drums, technical assistance Elliot Creager - guitar, electronics
Photos used in the interactive video projection courtesy of: Vicky Tomayko, Anne Haines, Wikimedia Commons Video: Arvid Tomayko-Peters Special Thanks to Jay Critchley, Vicky Tomayko, Andrea Starr Performed for Jay Critchley's 10 Days That Shook the World